3 Days of Pain, Pleasure, and Knowledge

In the life that exists outside of horses, (as if), Mike S’s passion is boating. We had bought a 40’ trawler and any time that he could drag me away from the horses were spent on the boat. We had the boat for a few years and he really wanted to go somewhere in it. We had done Santa Catalina Island enough times to be bored. So he began planning a boat trip. To Texas! Since there are no rivers or waterways leading from California to Texas we were going to have to take the long way, down the Pacific coast through the Panama Canal and up the other side. The first year we made it as far as Mazatlán, Mexico. The boating season runs from October to May.

That left us 4 months to get in all the horse time I could. That summer we found out that Clinton Anderson was coming to Temecula for a 3-Day clinic! The first thing we did was to make sure that it did say Temecula, California. Don’t want to make the same mistake twice after all! But alas, the clinic was being held in March, where in the world would we be in March? Central America? Panama? There’s just no way this would work! Then my girlfriend told me it had been sold out. We couldn’t participate even if we wanted to. I pouted like a spoiled little brat for two days, and kept saying things like “ Oh well, it just wouldn’t have worked anyway!” See she was (is) so sneaky! Once again for the second year in a row, I felt like I won the Lottery on my birthday. My husband surprised me with a participant ticket for the Temecula Walkabout Tour! We planned ahead to fly back and leave the boat in El Salvador. We came back with enough time to get a Coggins test for Cinco and everything was packed and ready.

Nothing can be simple or go as planned when horses are involved. We headed to Temecula and as we were trying to find the ranch, we made a wrong turn through a very nice neighborhood. My girlfriend’s husband was trying to turn around when he felt the horse trailer get a lot heavier, the little tie ring on the side of the trailer got caught on a fence. When he went to pull away not knowing the ring had got hooked up… he took out these people’s fence. That’s how the weekend started. We did in fact find the ranch after exchanging information with the fence owner. My girlfriend, her husband, and I were all participants and very excited. I don’t think any of us got much sleep that night.

The next morning I was a nervous nelly. We’ve been watching this guy’s DVDs for two years and all sorts of doubts ran through my head. Am I doing the exercises right? Is he going to pick on my horse? Is he going to pick on me? Wait, I’ve been on a boat! Am I a naggy mother? The list could continue on. The three of us entered the arena with our horses, OH NO! The stands are full of spectators! Why hadn’t I thought of that? Oh boy, I’m going to be the worst participant ever! We all spread out just a little bit, I look to my left, and who is standing right there? Clinton Anderson in person. I thought WOW, he looks taller in the videos. Then he speaks directly to me, not sure if I can quote exact words, but my name tag was on my shirt under my sweatshirt, so he asked my name and something like what I wanted out of the clinic, or what my horse’s problems were…honestly, I think I block out embarrassing moments. All I can remember is I had no answer ready. None at all. My mind was a little Star Struck and completely blank. So, I stumbled through some half-hearted responses about becoming a better horseman. As always the case, as soon as he moved on to the next participant I had a response ready, too little too late. Oh well!

As the clinic began and I heard the familiar phrases, or now Clinton-isms, and we began working with our horses I started to relax and enjoy myself. Almost 5 years later, I can’t remember which day of the clinic we did what but I do have events that stick out better than others.

And the crowd goes OHHHH!

That made us get Clinton’s attention, and not in a good way. My girlfriend and I had picked the corner of the arena, with a small set of stands. It was like we had our very own cheering crowd. We were working on desensitizing to the lead rope. The folks in the stands were on our side and if they saw us doing something wrong they would yell down helpful hints. Clinton and Shanna were on the other side helping those folks out. As I threw the lead rope over Cinco’s back the rope flicked back under his belly and the little leather ends whacked his …well his…whoo hoo. Our cheering crowd ohhh’d loudly in unison at the sound while a cringe seemed to ripple through them. Next thing I know Clinton came over and separated my girlfriend and me.  Not to worry though, it took no time at all for us to be back next to each other.

My girlfriend and I made a pact that we were going to dull our sense of humor during this clinic because we really didn’t want to be on the chopping block for Clinton to entertain the spectators with. Well, I think we forgot to let her husband in on that part. Bless his heart. During a break in the arena, the cutest little Rodeo Queen, about 7-8 years old, was introduced by Clinton. She was selling tickets or fundraising in some way. Clinton was about to ask the crowd to help support her efforts when my girlfriend’s husband hollers out…” C’mon Clinton I’ll split ALL her tickets with you. ” My girlfriend and I looked at each other and unspoken words passed between us…”Now he’s gonna pay.” You can’t put a showman on the spot like that. Sure enough, the next exercise he made her husband do all on his own, I don’t remember the excuse he used for making her husband run alongside the horse back and forth across and around the arena many times until he and the horse were out of breath. However, she and I sure got a giggle out of it.

Horse training in Stephenville Texas
5-Day Clinic in Stephenville, TX

As far as the clinic itself, it was awesome! Save up, come back from vacation, and do what you need to do in order to attend a clinic. Having Clinton and the apprentices help you as your doing the exercises is priceless. It puts it all together. After the first day, my arms hurt, and I was tired. After the second day, I couldn’t feel my arms, my legs hurt, and I was dragging. After the third day, I don’t think I have any body parts that didn’t hurt, and I was exhausted. It was worth every second. My horse came farther along, we communicated so much better. He saw me as a leader, not just a fool trying to be bossy.

I found the single best exercise in the entire clinic to be the Cruising exercise. I had never done anything like that, in fact after coming off of him I was scared of his speed and felt I had to be in control every second that I was on his back. If I thought I had experienced freedom on a horse, I hadn’t even come close. I’m still here to say that having a horse canter and not steering him at all …did not kill me. It was magnificent! As a bonus feature, I know if I get drunk and am falling all over my horse he could be my designated driver.

We hurt all over, but we had a great time, and even managed to learn a little something. All I can say is to attend a clinic!

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