About Me


My name is Michelle, growing up I had the nickname if Mishi, (Mish-ee), but over the years friends and family changed to Michi (Mee-she). So I invite you, as a friend to call me Michi and hope you enjoy what I have to share.

One day, I was thinking about what a blessed and adventurous life I’ve had. I’ve always had a affinity for creative writing so I decided it was finally time to write some stories and share my experiences.

I’m an instrument rated private pilot, played cowgirl, traveled the world, love arts and crafts, played with construction projects, and been a sailor at sea. I’ll also share thoughts on leadership, culture, and I’m sure I’ll get on a “Soap Box” at some point. Inside the blog you’ll find stories on those subjects and plus some.

I try to have a positive outlook and attitude. I have had my fair share of “dark” times, but I’d rather focus on the lighter side of life. We all go through the daily grind and have the obstacles we face, but this blog is intended for inspiration, education, and entertainment.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

– Mark Twain

**Note: Some of the stories I share will have people who are no longer in my life, but they are important characters and each and every one played different roles in my life. I may blur faces in photos, and only use first names to respect their privacy.