As Class by the Glass, I had to jump on the fad of custom hand-painted wine glasses. Painting with specialized paint made specifically for glass, I taught myself the technique of painting on a curved surface. These paints and colors also don’t blend the same as the watercolors or acrylics. I learned the best way to start is to draw the image with a fine sharpie pen, and the pen will dissolve as the paint covers it. Painting fine details became a little more difficult as the size of the glass was the smallest “canvas” I had ever used. I actually tried to make a little side business out of Class by the Glass, many of glasses I painted were commissioned. However, when I added up my time and cost of materials, I think I made a dime an hour. In future posts, I’ll highlight the supplies, and how to guides.
I had no idea that you went as far as this becoming quite the entrepreneur!.
I taught myself artwork, but I forgot to teach my self “self-promotion” to sell the artwork. Lol!