Paintings by Michi

The Barn
Painted from a photo taken in Alabama
Commissioned painting of a friends house.
A gift for a friend

As you can probably tell, I am a self-taught artist. I took some painting classes in High School, but truth be told, I think I ditched class more than I went. I started with water colors, but not in the usual way. Watercolors use a special paper or canvas that reacts to water. Many artists wet the paper and then begin to lay on the colors, letting them run and fade more naturally in fluid way. However, I need to be more in control. I would use watercolor pencils and a “water pen” to get the fluidity. You can see a progression in details as I practiced and fine tuned my style of painting. I painted mainly from photographs, and most of my paintings were gifts. I have a few which were commissioned, but I mainly painted as a creative release. I will be posting more paintings and artwork in this blog, but you can also find more on Facebook, “Paintings by Michi”.

Cows for Team Penning, Cutting, and Roping
In Grandpa’s Saddle

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