The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Following the theme of the last post, I think of the stories that we tell ourselves…” our truths”. I am the author of my own story, am I the victim, am I the heroine, am I the villain? Well, trying to look objectively, I am all three and then some. I guess the real question is, how do I want my audience to see me? How will I be portrayed in the movie? When I feel “wronged” by others the victim role emerges, when I want acknowledgment or praise, I might be the hero, when I want accountability and to take responsibility maybe I am the villain in someone else’s story.

Writing this blog, (as a whole) has me traveling down memory lane. While most of these memories are good, some are bitter/sweet. At the moment when creating the memories thoughts and feelings are good but as relationships and friendships ended over the years I find some bitterness in the memories. I have to ask myself do I forget all the good memories and tell myself the story of bitterness, hurt, and disappointment? Or can I still cherish the adventures and just accept the endings of those relationships? As I travel this road, I will continue to ask what story am I telling myself.

It’s difficult to keep an open perspective on our stories when we want to lead our audiences to “be on our side” no matter what role we are cast in. I challenge myself and you, what’s the story you tell yourself? Is it the same story witnesses would tell, would those who were around cast you in the same role you cast yourself? Just some food for thought, what story do you tell yourself?

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